Not even the spaghetti strap tanktop is cutting it anymore. It’s all about pink flesh. I’m not saying I don’t like the look, but you know that it’s a problem when a gym actually has to post a sign that says, “No shirts that reveal your nipple will be permitted.” On a positive note, this trend has forced many straight 19 year-old boys to get creative with a pair of scissors. But maybe the nipple should be saved for the steamroom.
Gym fashion dates back far before the creation of the hot pink rubber dumbbell. Olivia made her mark with a skin-tight leotard, tights, and a headband, which has been duplicated countless times over the past 30 years.
Trends come and go but the obvious question is… “Is gymwear appropriate out in the real world?”
The question to ask yourself is “Are you headed to or coming from the gym?” If the answer is no, then put the spandex down!
Even if it’s just standing in line at your favorite coffee shop, I don’t want your sweat soaked unitard rubbing up against me. Your nipple casually leaning over the sample trail mix at Whole Foods does not make me happy! The problem that gym fashion in the real world creates is that WE DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU’VE JUST BEEN.
And perfect make-up and totally coiffed hair doesn’t answer the question because I’ve seen fully done up Trannies on the stair climber for an hour. And they looked fierce! But they probably didn’t smell too good on their way home. There are locker rooms people… and showers, use them!
-Stephen Brennan
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