Or what about your favorite Punk Rock chick from college, all Doc Martins and Manic Panic, living her entire twenties in the Lower East Side listing to bands and blogging about them for Spin Magazine. Suddenly one day she meets a banker from Connecticut and you meet her for lunch, skimming the crowd for the trademark purple hair, and what do you see, but Lily Pulitzer and a touch of Tods.
We call this the Modern Geisha.
Women have been quick and willing to adapt to their “surroundings” for centuries, King’s Subjects became Pilgrims, Hippies donned gold-lame in the name of Disco. I get it… times change, but when does the fine line between change and shape shifting get crossed?
I have a friend who the minute she meets a man, runs to the bathroom of the restaurant and gets on her Iphone.
“He said he flies private planes and likes submarine sandwiches.” And she Googles both, returning to the table, she is able and willing to wax poetic on pilot’s licenses and pastrami.
With the internet and print media turning towards celebrity; who’s wearing what; who’s dating who? Originality has gone out the window and mimics, copy cats and even lemmings have been born.
The Modern Geisha is taught if she looks like Angelina, she will snag a Brad. If she broods like Kristin Stewart, she will score a Rob Pattinson. Because of that simple girl alone, Converse Chuck Taylor sales have gone through the roof!
But I ask you… what happened to the day when Katherine Hepburn put on a pair of trousers because she liked the way it made her feel. No worries about emasculating Spencer Tracy. Madonna wore underwear as outerwear and created a dynasty.
Women should dress in what makes them feel good, and strong, and proud and happy. It is the confidence that attracts a mate, not the Megan Fox dress from the Golden Globes
America needs to see a little originality. They need to take back their style.
-Lynn Furge
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