With traditional advertising being plastered everywhere from TV to take-out coffee cups, the consumer was bound to tune-out and to some extent they have. Add to this that generations X and Y are significantly more technologically centered and real change has arrived. Consumers' sources of information have become more authentic primarily generated by consumer generated viral marketing. Several years ago G-group research showed that WOM [word of mouth] marketing overtook the previous #1 way that consumers learned about new products, the use of samples. Current research validates that WOM marketing or a product recommendation from a friend or acquaintance continues to be the #1 way consumers are prompted to try a new product. Additionally, consumers frequently tell us they "trust" magazine editorial recommendations more than advertising.
This lack of trust in traditional media was a reality before the current recession. Not surprisingly, the downturn has generated cutbacks in marketing budgets, which have only accelerated the growth in WOM marketing. For emerging designers and small brands without large marketing budgets, or for that matter, any marketing budget, buzz marketing can be your best bet. True buzz marketing is authentic. It springs from satisfied clients and customers. They tell their friends about a new designer or new brand and they tell their friends and so on and so on.
When a designer or brand exceeds a consumer's expectation or hits a positive nerve, the consumer becomes your ambassador and buzz is born. But, how do you start? How do you get the "buzz" going? The first step is to
deliver outstanding benefits and design, the second to "hang up a sign" in the marketplace. Today a Website is the fastest sign you can erect. Additionally, put a tape on You Tube, blog orTwitter. Of course, you have a FaceBook site. Reach out to your customers. Hold trunk shows. Send out your own press releases with digital photos. Court stylists and fashion editors. Hold street "fashion shows". Create a community of your clients. Provide them with pre-season news. Offer special designs or promotions to reward their loyalty. Join professional organizations such as Fashion Group International, meet others in the fashion business and tell you brand story. Form relationships with other designers and brand developers - think collaboration not cutthroat competition. Hook-up with Nolcha. Invent your own original ways to tell your story, but tell your story. Create positive interest and good will for your brand and you build demand.
deliver outstanding benefits and design, the second to "hang up a sign" in the marketplace. Today a Website is the fastest sign you can erect. Additionally, put a tape on You Tube, blog orTwitter. Of course, you have a FaceBook site. Reach out to your customers. Hold trunk shows. Send out your own press releases with digital photos. Court stylists and fashion editors. Hold street "fashion shows". Create a community of your clients. Provide them with pre-season news. Offer special designs or promotions to reward their loyalty. Join professional organizations such as Fashion Group International, meet others in the fashion business and tell you brand story. Form relationships with other designers and brand developers - think collaboration not cutthroat competition. Hook-up with Nolcha. Invent your own original ways to tell your story, but tell your story. Create positive interest and good will for your brand and you build demand.
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