Don’t believe an online job posting that says the company only accepts applications online. Don’t feel like you have to answer every question in a job interview. And if attending a job fair, don’t show up when it opens but instead arrive 90 minutes early and help a company you’re targeting set up their booth. This is just a sampling of some of the rule-breaking advice job-networking expert Molly Wendell imparts in her just-released book, “The New Job Search: Break all the rules. Get connected. And get hired faster for the money you’re worth.”
Wendell has quickly made a name for herself as a job-networking expert. As her story goes, she was once out of work for two years and three days before she figured out networking was one of the keys to landing a new job. She then secured more than 30 job offers in 90 days. As president and CEO of Executives Network, her executive job-networking group with meetings in 11 cities nationwide, she has helped thousands land new positions.
“My life’s mission is to help people connect,” said Wendell. “This book will give job seekers new, and perhaps just a bit unconventional, ideas and approaches that worked for me… and can work for them!””
Readers will also learn why it’s important to figure out what they’re passionate about and how to find a job in that field. In addition, Wendell reminds job seekers to stay positive, and admonishes them to stop sharing their story on how they lost their job and instead focus on others.
Says Wendell in her book, “Being in the job search is an incredible opportunity if you use it to your best advantage. You’ve been given the gift of time to determine what you want to do with the rest of your life. Those who take the time, investigate options, and build new relationships come out of this transition not only more mentally grounded, but far more prepared for the next time they’re in transition.”
According to Wendell, job seekers will find the right position by simply “getting out there, meeting new people, and having interesting conversations. And when you do that, amazingly, the right opportunity is going to come knocking on your door.”
Wendell has quickly made a name for herself as a job-networking expert. As her story goes, she was once out of work for two years and three days before she figured out networking was one of the keys to landing a new job. She then secured more than 30 job offers in 90 days. As president and CEO of Executives Network, her executive job-networking group with meetings in 11 cities nationwide, she has helped thousands land new positions.
“My life’s mission is to help people connect,” said Wendell. “This book will give job seekers new, and perhaps just a bit unconventional, ideas and approaches that worked for me… and can work for them!””
Readers will also learn why it’s important to figure out what they’re passionate about and how to find a job in that field. In addition, Wendell reminds job seekers to stay positive, and admonishes them to stop sharing their story on how they lost their job and instead focus on others.
Says Wendell in her book, “Being in the job search is an incredible opportunity if you use it to your best advantage. You’ve been given the gift of time to determine what you want to do with the rest of your life. Those who take the time, investigate options, and build new relationships come out of this transition not only more mentally grounded, but far more prepared for the next time they’re in transition.”
According to Wendell, job seekers will find the right position by simply “getting out there, meeting new people, and having interesting conversations. And when you do that, amazingly, the right opportunity is going to come knocking on your door.”
More information about Executives Network
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